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College Admission Essay

          Obtaining high school diploma is certainly the beginning of another endeavor in the life of a person. A high school graduate has options whether to immediately embark into the field of work, to continue the quest for education towards achieving a college degree, or either to combine both. All of these options are manifestations of a person's desire for progress. I myself am intent on becoming a more developed person. Indeed, I undoubtedly realize that a university must play a primary role in contributing to further human progress or development. Since the modern day is presenting us with multiple and complex challenges, university education must cover all these aspects. I believe that a desire to work, though good is not enough. The way to make this desire effective is to form a competent person into someone who can transmit to others the maturity that he himself has achieved.


          Having college education is one effective way of forming a competent person. And I for one would want to become a competent person. I personally feel that I could do more if I would be able to obtain college degree. I hope to acquire knowledge and skills that would make me strong in dealing with the problems and challenges that are prevalent in today's world. College education surely is one way of achieving competitive edge particularly in the field of work. Without which, a person's option would be quite limited. It would be tragic when a person grow old and would say if I could only have seized the opportunity to acquire college degree when I still have the time, I could have been a better person. Now that I have the opportunity to do so, I am quite determined to take this chance. This is one thing that I am sure of.


          Aside from the realization of the significance of obtaining college degree in the development of a better person, another reason that compels me to further my pursuit is my innate tendency towards learning. I believe that a person becomes nobler with more knowledge and learning.


          My parents have often told me that when I was a child I used to take active interest in new knowledge. It was with joy that they taught me the rudimentary skills in basic learning at a very tender age of four. Even at the young age, I proved to be an apt student as my parents used to tell me. My parents also encouraged me in the exploration of knowledge and the use of varying learning materials that help me in my progress both in concept and in practice. When I was in elementary grades, I manifested great potential in the acquisition of learning. I came to love spending some times in the library pouring on books. I have always been a diligent student. As years go by, my passion for learning increases. I go out of my way to know the latest with regards current issues particularly in the field of technology. There seems to be always new knowledge in that field. Aside from making sure that I grow in knowledge, I also do something concerning my physical development. I love sports particularly tennis. In my high school days, I have discovered that the combination of mental and physical training enhances the progress of an individual. This has made me keen and sharp. This means that I have the intellectual and physical capacity to face the rigor and complexities in life. I believe I am prepared to face new challenges. I have the vision, the right attitude, the required mental set, the necessary bodily strength to tackle whatever hurdles I would face in college.


          Right now, I have become particularly interested in becoming a professional. I have a vision that by being a professional person, I would be a contributing agent in enhancing the lives of others. I also specifically believe that this university is the way for me to realize my dreams and goals in life: for me to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills towards self-development, and service not only to myself but also most importantly to my family and the society.


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