12 pt |
Times New Roman |
Double Space |
1 inch Margin |
300 Words/Page |
Any Citation Style (APA, MLA, Chicago and Turabian) |
Have you already created your researches, essays, articles or any written literary work but not yet contented with the result? Or are you already done but the format does not seem right? Or maybe, you think that your work needs improvement and changes but does not have the time to change and review you work? What you need is editing.
The process of preparing languages, images, sounds for a presentation through modifications is called editing. Editing can be in the forms of corrections, condensations, organizations, etc. which ever is more suitable for the project. There are many types of editing; it could be newspaper editing, magazine editing, music editing, print or multimedia editing depending on the nature of the work required of you.
1stessays.com offers you technical editing at a minimal cost. It means editing that involves text reviewing on a topic and identification of errors related to language use with respect to a guide. This kind of editing ensures good quality documentation.
Our writers go beyond their means so as to perform the editing of your work whatever it might be; essays, researches, articles and any other literary work. Editing work is based on the specifications of the customer. It is done accordingly to the instructions of the clients so that the thought that the original work wants to convey will be emphasized in the outcome after editing. Also, our company edits not only the content, language and grammar but also the format of the whole work. We format it according to requirements and in a way that the work should be. Formatting includes idea reorganization, reorganization in a clearer and more precise way geared towards better comprehension of the topic. Again, we propose editing services to you at a minimal price but with quality of a top rated paper.